Spring poetry / Poésie du printemps

Poèmes du solstice.

English first, French below. / Texte en français plus bas.

Hello everyone,

Please bear with me as there will be no English poems this month again. To be completely honest, the two texts you can read below have originally been written in French with no use of English at all. And when I had to sit at my desk to translate them into English I felt that this task was not meant for me. As you know, I am no professional translator and I know that my own poems translations are sometimes more like another version in another language than a translation per se. And this month, reading my texts again, I felt a kind of void that prevented me to translate it. No words came in English, I couldn’t turn the texts into something else. I’m telling myself it’s because the poems are still a little bit “too fresh” in my mind. I’ll come back to them later and let you know if I come up with a nice translation.

Thank you so much for your support, and enjoy the return of the sun ☀️

Bonjour tout le monde,

L’équinoxe est passée et le jour augmente. Comme chaque année, cela me donne envie d’aller de l’avant tout en réveillant la nostalgie. Je vous livre deux poèmes écrits ce mois-ci et je serais heureuse de lire vos retours.

Merci pour votre soutien et joyeux printemps à tout le monde ☀️

1 – cliquez pour découvrir le texte

2 – cliquez pour découvrir le texte

– Ouranide